What is the Best Health Care for Patients and Practitioners?

Senior nursing managers and staff have seen much change and volatility in the healthcare profession. It’s been no place for the faint of heart. And while the quality of available care has never been better, the managed care system continues to be an arena of great political struggle to achieve long-term, sustainable reform.

In recent years, some healthcare costs have responded well to policy changes. These include staffing innovations that serve the temporary needs of clinics and hospitals working toward long-term goals. Project managers often come and go as an integral part of the institutional change management system.

Successful senior healthcare managers, especially nursing leaders, find themselves in great demand with temporary opportunities all across the country. Those who choose to adopt interim work assignment rotations are high-level change makers who can deliver immediate value. They also seek change and new challenges in their personal lives as well.

Interim Assignments Offer the Best of Both Worlds

Sometimes the personal motivation is to establish a cycle of work and sabbatical terms, combining long-term travel opportunities with professional assignments as a way to experience different parts of the country. Sometimes, it serves as a bridge to full retirement for senior leaders who are well advanced in their careers.


NHS Solutions, a market leader in interim healthcare leadership staffing since 2009, is focused on providing leadership that plays a central role in shaping the transformation of healthcare, that improves patient care while reducing the costs of vital staffing requirements. NHS Solutions continues to help the best practitioners do their best work where it is needed the most. And that’s a key part of keeping patient care results as the top priority of health reform.

If you’re a healthcare leader who’s ready to make the transition, the on-boarding specialist at NHS Solutions and the rest of the support team will make it easy for you to make a big difference in patient care, and in your own quality of life as well.

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